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The Model to Practice Dialogues™


The MTPD fosters awareness about national identity, as a cohesive whole, provides contexts and the impact these have on one’s role in the society. For example, the functioning of marginalized communities. We are educating students, addressing cultural differences, making clear that we share universal rights and dignity no matter where we are from, by emphasizing that one cannot explain away injustices by cultural relativism.

European mindset in an American company

European mindset in an American company

A group of four students, two from Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, one from Kozminski University in Warsaw Poland, and one from Auckland University of technology in Auckland New Zealand conducted an interview with a male Bulgarian national who has lived in Amsterdam for five years. The interviewee works for an American company with British colleagues that focus on business performance. The interview works predominantly with British and Dutch colleagues and clients. The aim of the interview was to identify any cultural limitations within the interviewee’s work environment. Cultural limitations identified were primarily centred around miscommunication caused by the conflict in high-context and low-context communication styles and expectations around workplace etiquette.

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Culture in the Courtroom

Overview   An important, elderly African male Chief is testifying in a court of law regarding crimes against humanity.  There is a female attorney examining

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