How epilepsy is perceived in different cultures
Epilepsy patients have to ultimately transcend negative cultural concepts and habits in coping with the difficulties of living with epilepsy.
The MTPD fosters awareness about national identity, as a cohesive whole, provides contexts and the impact these have on one’s role in the society. For example, the functioning of marginalized communities. We are educating students, addressing cultural differences, making clear that we share universal rights and dignity no matter where we are from, by emphasizing that one cannot explain away injustices by cultural relativism.
Epilepsy patients have to ultimately transcend negative cultural concepts and habits in coping with the difficulties of living with epilepsy.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by social and communication impairments as well as restricted, repetitive behavior patterns. Despite the fact that ASD is reported
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are now considered to be the most common of thedevelopmental disorders. However, the effect of cultural influences on the diagnosisand treatment
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