The Model to Practice Dialogues™

April 10, 2022

The MTPD fosters awareness about national identity, as a cohesive whole, provides contexts and the impact these have on one’s role in the society. For example, the functioning of marginalized communities. We are educating students, addressing cultural differences, making clear that we share universal rights and dignity no matter where we are from, by emphasizing that one cannot explain away injustices by cultural relativism.

European mindset in an American company
Knowledge Café

Knowledge Café – Intercultural Communication & Global Network Conversations

Intercultural Communication is identified within education as a ‘slippery problem’. There are multiple layers of cultural interfaces within power dynamics that influence the nature of hybrid organizations and individual cultural identity. We need to understand the concept of culture, our own culture or cultural bias in order to collaborate effectively with others all over the world. A positive result requires a strong capacity for: analytical critical thinking, and application of organizational and intercultural sensitivity.

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