The word culture refers to the unique behavior
patterns and lifestyle shared by a group of people
that distinguish it from other groups. A culture is
characterized by a set of views, beliefs, values, and
attitudes. Culture is manifested in the core of
behavior and the various ways in which life is regulated, such as rituals, customs, etiquette, taboos,
and laws. It is reflected in such things as common
sayings, legends, drama, art, philosophical thought,
and religions. Culture shapes people’s behavior, but
at the same time it is molded by the ideas and
behavior of the members of the culture. Thus, culture and people influence each other reciprocally
and interactionally. Culture is generally recognized
in social or institutional patterns, and it affects specific behaviors and reactions of the individual. The
individual may be aware of these influences or the
influences may be operating at a subconscious level
(Tseng 2001, p. 26).
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