For this case model assignment, we interviewed a purser. A purser makes sure that everything is prepared before the flight takes off, is the host of the passengers and oversees the cabin crew on the flight, and afterwards she writes a reflection about the flight and its cabin crew. All in all, the job of a purser contains a lot of diversity within its tasks and duties. As a purser she has to deal with many different cultures. This entails that it is expected from her to adjust to the situation that presents itself and learns the basics of the culture that is dominant in the fligt and the culture of the destination of the flight (C. Versteeg, personal communication, May 9, 2021).
The questions that were asked in the interview were asked in order to establish an understanding of the work methods and adjustments that are being made by this particular Airline once they have a destination to a foreign culture, and / or when dealing with passengers from different cultures.