The Model to Practice Dialogues™


The MTPD fosters awareness about national identity, as a cohesive whole, provides contexts and the impact these have on one’s role in the society. For example, the functioning of marginalized communities. We are educating students, addressing cultural differences, making clear that we share universal rights and dignity no matter where we are from, by emphasizing that one cannot explain away injustices by cultural relativism.

Partners in Peace and UN SDGS Tampa-Amsterdam.

Theme is Harmonizing Heritage; history, diversity, creativity. I presented two global leadership projects: Partners in Peace and UN SDGS Tampa-Amsterdam. Drs. Irena van Nynatten-Janikowska

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Knowledge Café

Living in a Globalized Society: Globalization As a Tool for Understanding

We are living in an increasingly global society and the effects of globalization, big and small, are being felt everywhere. But what is this thing called globalization and how can we use the study of our interconnectedness to help us understand some of the economic, cultural, and political changes we are seeing in our local communities and our world?

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Cultural diversity in a big four company
Knowledge Café

Knowledge Café – Exploring Cultural Identities

The Knowledge Café is a tool to develop Global Citizenship, as a way of living that recognizes our world as an increasingly complex web of connections and interdependencies, with Global Citizenship being “an ethic of care for the world”. Exploring global citizenship themes helps learners grow more confident in standing up for their beliefs, and more skilled in evaluating the ethics and impact of their decisions.

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Collaboration through Diversity – Event recording now available

“Kia Ora” or “I see you” perfectly explains the goal of the ‘Collaboration through Diversity’ event held last Thursday 14 September at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, which had the pleasure of inviting Susannah Gordon, Ambassador to New Zealand Embassy The Hague Netherlands, representatives to the International Criminal Court, and COIL partners from the Auckland University of Technology to share their knowledge of cultural awareness and the dynamics of working in multicultural teams.

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Knowledge Café

Knowledge Café – The Power of the Single Voice

You have the power to speak for others when you speak for yourself. When you give vision and determination to the level of “voice” you speak for many, often for people you don’t even know. It only takes one voice to create change. In this knowledge café you will improve your speaking and listening skills, and intercultural awareness.

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European mindset in an American company
Knowledge Café

Knowledge Café – Intercultural Communication & Global Network Conversations

Intercultural Communication is identified within education as a ‘slippery problem’. There are multiple layers of cultural interfaces within power dynamics that influence the nature of hybrid organizations and individual cultural identity. We need to understand the concept of culture, our own culture or cultural bias in order to collaborate effectively with others all over the world. A positive result requires a strong capacity for: analytical critical thinking, and application of organizational and intercultural sensitivity.

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Knowledge Café

Knowledge Café – Cultural Humility in Health Care

Concept of cultural humility is distinguished from that of cultural competence.
Cultural humility incorporates a lifelong commitment to self-evaluation and critique, to redressing the power imbalances (…), and to developing mutually beneficial (…) relationship with communities on behalf of individuals and defined populations (Melanie Tervalon).

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